Web Development


This website represents a newshub of my current employer, the German Archaeological Institute. In my position as Webmaster i provide technical support for its various online presences.  including the WordPress Multidomain Multisite System www.dainst.blog with over 20 Blogs and a central news aggregation page, the one presented here.

While the web design is widely predetermined by the theme (Alizee non-premium) and the style guide of the Institute, my contribution was the page structure and automatic content sorting, integration of external channels like Social Media, the automatic aggregation of posts throughout the whole Blog network and other aspects.


This website represents a private association supporting the work the German Archaeological Institute. It is staffed by senior and retired archaeologists and diplomats.

My task was to migrate the original Homepage of the association, still an old-fashioned pure HTML page, into the WordPress Multisite System. I picked up the color scheme of the logo made it the color scheme of the whole Website, including the menu. The blue tone relates to the style guide relevant to the whole Institute, consequently a notion of corporate identity was kept. The emotional tone of the design is a sober one that reflects the self-awareness of a government-funded research organisation.


The Akzisemauer website  is the centerpiece of an exhibtion project developed by the Berlin-based collective Kollegenzweikommadrei.

The task was to create a one-scroll page based on the design of the posters. The page serves two purposes: provide information about the exhibition´s subject to people that encounter the posters in the city and to redirect them to the physical exhibition in a local museum. Centrepiece is a “slippery map” based on Leaflet that indicates the position of the eponymous old city wall with its gates and allows overlays with historical maps.